※Please correct my English if you find any mistakes. Thank you.
Double click each part and write the following codes.
Command button: Close
Private Sub cmdClose_Click()
End Sub
Command button: Fight
Private Sub cmdFight_Click()
'Define variables for assigning numbers to "You"
Dim PYouRock As Long
Dim PYouPeper As Long
Dim PYouScissors As Long
'Define variables for assign numbers to "Comp"
Dim PCompRock As Long
Dim PCompPeper As Long
Dim PCompScissors As Long
'Define variables for converting the selection to numbers
Dim PYou As Long
Dim PComp As Long
'Converting the selection to numbers
Select Case imgYou.Picture
Case imgRock.Picture
PYou = 1
Case imgScissors.Picture
PYou = 2
Case imgPaper.Picture
PYou = 3
End Select
'Formula for generating numbers for Comp's selection
PComp = Int(3 * Rnd() + 1)
Select Case PComp 'Assing 1 to Rock, 2 to Scissors, 3 to Paper1 and show each images on the main place
Case 1
imgComp.Picture = imgRock.Picture
Case 2
imgComp.Picture = imgScissors.Picture
Case 3
imgComp.Picture = imgPaper.Picture
End Select
'Judge winner and update win-loss standings
Select Case PYou
Case Is = 1 '"You" is Rock
If PComp = 1 Then 'Comp is Rock
lblDraw.Caption = lblDraw.Caption + 1
ElseIf PComp = 2 Then 'Comp is Scissors
lblWin.Caption = lblWin.Caption + 1
Else 'Comp is Paper
lblLose.Caption = lblLose.Caption + 1
End If
Case Is = 2 '"You" is Scissors
If PComp = 1 Then 'Comp is Rock
lblLose.Caption = lblLose.Caption + 1
ElseIf PComp = 2 Then 'Comp is Scissors
lblDraw.Caption = lblDraw.Caption + 1
Else 'Comp is Paper
lblWin.Caption = lblWin.Caption + 1
End If
Case Is = 3 '"You" is Paper
If PComp = 1 Then 'Comp is Rock
lblWin.Caption = lblWin.Caption + 1
ElseIf PComp = 2 Then 'Comp is Scissors
lblLose.Caption = lblLose.Caption + 1
Else 'Comp is Paper
lblDraw.Caption = lblDraw.Caption + 1
End If
End Select
End Sub
Command button: Reset
Private Sub cmdReset_Click()
lblWin.Caption = 0
lblDraw.Caption = 0
lblLose.Caption = 0
End Sub
Option button: Paper
Private Sub opPaper_Click()
If opPaper = True Then
imgYou.Picture = imgPaper.Picture
End If
End Sub
Option button: Rock
Private Sub opRock_Click()
If opRock = True Then
imgYou.Picture = imgRock.Picture
End If
End Sub
Option button: Scissors
Private Sub opScissors_Click()
If opScissors = True Then
imgYou.Picture = imgScissors.Picture
End If
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
lblWin.Caption = 0
lblDraw.Caption = 0
lblLose.Caption = 0
End Sub